Exemple De Obiective Afective. Affective objectives are designed to change an individual's attitude, choices, and relationships. Krathwohl and bloom created a taxonomy for the affective domain that lists levels of commitment (indicating affect) from lowest to highest. Again, the taxonomy is arranged from simpler. De exemplu un elev care invata pentru recompensa, pentru nota. Acesta afirmatie nu reprezinta un mit. Incercati sa va imaginati diferite situatii in care sa intervina diverse => ce sunt procesele afective? La sfarsitul lectiei, elevul va fi capabil: Let's identify its five major categories and the factors to consider in writing the. Ces objectifs doivent être clairs et facilement compréhensibles pour toutes les personnes concernées.Utilisez vos muscles pour faire parler votre cerveau, et touchez mon coeur en laissant votre commentaire.
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